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Add Bookmark Button after every post

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After posting how to add social bookmarking button some readers ask me to write a post on how to add
Share This or Bookmark button. There are many sites who give this button. You can search in Google for "Free Share This button". I am taking addthis.com as an illustration. You will get any button of above image from this site. So here is the process to add share this or Bookmark button on your post:

Get your Share This or Bookmark Button code

Step 1: First of all you need to register here. To register go to http://www.addthis.com/register

Step 2:
After registration process, select the link Get the Button just like below image:

add  Bookmark Button

Step 3: Then you will get some options to create a button. From there choose your preferable option. Click on Get Your Button Code.

add social bookmarking button

Step 4: Now you get your code. So follow the following instruction.

Add Share This or Bookmark code To Blogger Post

Step 5: Login to Blogger.com

Step 6: From dashboard choose Layout then select Edit HTML. Select the Expand Widget Template check box. Before editing HTML, download your full template for your safety.

Step 7:If you like to add this button after each post then find out

Step 8: Now add your button which you get in Step 4 after this tag.


button code here

Step 9: As an alternative of Step 7, If you like to add this button at post footer then find out <div class='post-footer'>
Add your code after this line. I have seen a screenshot below:

How to Add Share This or Bookmark Button

If you find any Difficulty than Comment Below..Smart Blogging.